Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Solat dhuha


Seorang sahabat ku mengajak aku utk solat dhuha kejap tadi,

"Sudah". Jawab ku, pendek.

Dia tercengang..."power". Balasnya pendek. "Aku pun nak kaya jugak" tambahnya lagi.

Aku tersengeh. Aku tau dia suka duit (sape tak suka duit???). Aku baru bagitau dia masa breakfast tadi, kalau nak rezeki bertambah, kena tambah amalan sunat, solat dhuha, solat taubat, istighfar....Dia tahu, rezeki aku makin bertambah murah lepas buat bisnes Score A ni...

Mari kita lihat hadith berkenaan solat dhuha:

Narrated Abu Huraira: My friend (the Prophet) advised me to do three things and I shall not leave them till I die, these are: To fast three days every month, to offer the duha prayer, and to offer Witr before sleeping.  (Book #21, Hadith #274)

Sunan Abu Dawood:
Narrated AbuUmamah: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone goes out from his house after performing ablution for saying the prescribed prayer in congregation (in the mosque), his reward will be like that of one who goes for hajj pilgrimage after wearing ihram (robe worn by the hajj pilgrims). And he who goes out to say the mid-morning (duha) prayer, and takes the trouble for this purpose, will take the reward like that of a person who performs umrah. And a prayer followed by a prayer with no worldly talk during the gap between them will be recorded in Illiyyun.  (Book #2, Hadith #0558)
Aku harap dia dapat beristiqaamah.

Lebih baik, amalan yang sikit, tapi istiqaamah, berbanding banyak, tapi sekali skala.

Rakan2, mari sama2 kita tambah amalan kita, insyaAllah.

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