Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wedding of the Year!


Let me tell you my story. I had an exhausting but fascinating week last week. I was oncall on last Tuesday (21/06/2011) and I took a 3 days leave from wednesday onwards, till sunday for my siblings' wedding. It is the most important event in my family's diary this year. The wedding of my three siblings:-

Nadia (Ya) and Fahmi
Naqiuddin (Naqi) and Rafahiah
Najwa (Wa) and Khairil

It is going to be the Wedding of the Year!

I like to dedicate this entry for my mum who is an iron lady. She is the person that responsible in making this wedding a success. I admire her patient, determination, courage and dedication. I love you Ma.

My mum...Toh Puan Datin Wan Zaharah binti Wan Yahya

I arrived at my family's house in Chukai, Kemaman at 1030am. Most of the preparations were already settled by my father's staff from Pejabat DUN (Dewan Undangan Negeri) Chukai. The tents were all resurrected, tables and chairs were all already arranged. Inside the house, the sofa set was put aside, carpets cover all the floor. The interior designer people came around 2pm to set up the pelamin. *It was marvelous!!*

The tents, tables and chairs were already arranged

Pelamin/Stage for my 2 sisters and their hubby-to-be

We received Fahmi's delegation at 830pm. It was such a big number of his family members that came that nite. It was like a show of force *laugh*

I was one of the official witnesses (saksi) for the solemnization ceremony, Iju was the second witness. Imam Zaki came a bit late that nite, around 9:15pm. The ceremony was a success. Fahmi aka Tomatoman got through after 2nd akad, just for forgetting to mention the word "yang" in the phrase "mas kahwin yang tersebut itu" during the first akad *laugh*.

"Never mind lah Fahmi, Nadia is your wife now"

Ya was so pretty and gorgeous. The make-up was perfect. The wedding gown and veil were nicely fitted. Fahmi is one lucky guy to be married to her. Tahniah Ya, I'm so proud and so happy for you!! Sayang Ya!
Then, it's time for food and pictures. We slept at 1am that nite.

Princess Nadia! - Pretty and Marvelous

"Tomatoman menjadi milik ku kini" Ya berkata di dalam hatinya...

My happy family...

Mak, Abah, Acik dan Ijah pun datang meraikan majlis dari Seremban...terima kasih!

Hasif...masam nyer muka dia!


On Friday, 23/06/2011, it was Najwa's turn to become the center of attention. She was like a princess, so beautiful, sweet and adorable. Najwa and Khairil know each other since they were in form 1. Their relationship had lasted for 10 years before they were engaged last year. AlhamdulilLah, they are now husband and wife.

Khairil's delegation arrived early at 10am. I became the MC as well as the witness for the ceremony. Ajib became the second witness. Khairil was so relax and confident. He handled the pressure really well. With one akad, Najwa officially became her soulmate. I am so happy for both of you! Sayang Wa jugak!

Khairil cool ajer...Sekali akad aje babe! Tahniah!

Akhir nya kau menjadi milik ku...chewah!

Ibu ku memberi restu...sayang Ma!

Bagai pinang dibelah dua!

Seronoknyer anak2 sedara Cik Wa dgn Uncle Khai ni!

"V" for Victory...Rania bukak lima2 jari!
After friday prayer, all of us depart to Kuala Terengganu for the most major event, the Wedding reception.


The event was held at Taman Tamadun Islam (TTI), Kuala Terengganu. It was such an attractive tourist attraction site with the Islamic monumens and Crystal Mosque. We arrived at Kuala Terengganu at 9pm, and at 930pm all of us were already at the hall for the rehearsal of the event.

Naqi and Rafahiah arrived from Bandung at 11pm. The all new besan were involved in the rehearsal together with my parents and the 3 couples.

Posing di bilik rehat Di Raja...

Patik tumpang duduk tuanku....nak merasa duduk di kerusi di Raja

Pentas 3 pasangan mempelai megah berdiri

It was such a major and delicate event as the King, Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin and Queen Nur Zahirah, together with Tuanku Puan Pahang, Tuanku Azizah, Undang Luak Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, and The Menteri Besar of Terengganu, YAB Dato' Seri Ahmad bin Said will be present. There are strict protocols that need to be followed - how to walk, who walks first, how to raise your hands, how to sit, what not to do and many other things...No mistake is allowed!


Okay, let us put our pengantinssss into pictures. In summary we have 3 couples:

Nadia (my 6th sibling) dan Fahmi - Fahmi dengan matanya yang ayu kihkih! Jgn marah haa..

Naqi (7th sibling) dan Rafahiah - Aki asyik melentok aje kepala kat Yah...sayang nyer kat bini...

Najwa (8th) and Khairil - bagaikan cerita fairy tale...
Nak masuk jugak...pengantin lama hehehe 

It was an extravaganza nite. I am so proud of the Sultan. He symbolises the royal lineage, the history of Malay traditions and cultures in Malaysia. It must be uphold, observed, honoured and protected. Each of the three couples appeared smart and prominent in the traditional Malay costumes. The food was delicious. My dad delivered an excellent speech, addressing all the parties involved, welcoming all the new besan and most importantly, expressing her grattitute towards my mum for her never ending effort. We are very, very,very happy and satisfied to hear the acknowledgement.

The presence of the flower girls (my 2 daughters - Maisarah, Nabila, and their cousin - Sofea and Rania) together with their flower girls's Mama (a.k.a my wife hehehe) made the event very special, memorable and very close to my heart. All of them perform tremendously well! Thank you dear, you did a great job!!

Lovely Nabila in her flower girl dress!

Pretty Kak Long Maisarah in her dress!

Flower Gerlz in Action!

Nabila, Rania, Sofea dan Maisarah bersama Mama Flower Gerlz

Reserve flower girl - Sumayyah...maybe masa Cik Yatul Mayyah boleh action, kali ni boleh pakai baju aje...

My lovely wife, Shahnaz aka Mama Flower...

Pengantin-to-be in 20 years time...excited betul budak2 ni

Now my family is left with my youngest sister, Adik who is still single. The time will come for her wedding...I pray she will get a pious husband, ameen.

Adik sorang aje yang tinggal...(adik yg sebelah kiri yer rakan2, yg sebelah kanan tu dah ada 3 anak heheh)

Ida pun ada dengan baby Iman...Ma, congratz for the success!

Last but not least, special tribute to my cousin, Amru, who is also a professional photographer and acts as the photographer of this wedding. He owns a photography company in Shah Alam. I really recommend you to hire him for your function. But you have to be quick, early booking is advisable...dia macam goreng pisang panas, memang laku.You can reach him by this website: www.flickr.com/photos/amrufm

Amru - His character amuses everybody, his professionalism speaks for itself

That's all for now...time to sleep!


  1. ya allah, so beautiful this entry!

    thanks abg din, love it so muchhhhh !!!

  2. Fuh, senafas je membaca entri ni sampai habis.
    Triple couple sekali jalan, mmg awesome!

    Barakallahulakuma wa baraka alaikuma wa jama’a bainakuma filkhair wa razakakuma zurriyatan tayyibatan tanfaul ISLAM wal muslimin


    Nadia (Ya) and Fahmi
    Naqiuddin (Naqi) and Rafahiah
    Najwa (Wa) and Khairil

  3. Very beautiful entry Abg Din. We the Losong clan enjoyed that night very much..too bad we dont get the chance to tk photos with all the 3 pengantins at once.. Brides were extremely gorgeous and the grooms were all handsome..May all of the newly weds have a beautiful journey together years to come..Amin!

  4. panjangnya entry abg din, tp best x puas bace ngan tgk gambo..nnt adik bgtau ma yg a.din cakap ma iron lady, hehehe..

    p/s: thanks for the doa.. ameen insyaAllah.

  5. bestnyee entry abg din!!thanks a lot abg din..wa sayang abg din jugop..!!entry yg sgt bermakna..(^_^)

  6. @Ya dan Wa - Tahniah lagi skali. Semoga happy menempuh alam perkahwinan.

    @Adik - InsyaAllah Dik, adik akan dpt suami yg soleh, dan hencem.

    @Yayang - Memang Losong clan nampak hebat dan bersatu padu. Skrg keluarga kita lebih rapat lepas perkahwinan Iju-Intan dan Ya-Fahmi.

    Eryza - Thanks. Semoga doa dimakbulkan. Ameen.

  7. salam.

    thanx abang din!best post abang din,baca sapa neleh air liur aki dok ingat tutup mulut hahahaha.kekgi abang din upload la gambar2 suasana byk2 lagi.aki dok dang nak enjoy masa kat KT aritu,tibe2 kene balik doh,wuuuuuu.jupe lagi raya kekgi,hehe.

    oh,curik gambar eh,nk letak kt fb,haha

  8. salam my dearest sweetheart! what a wonderful entry u have here, well done! i love it too.. the whole journey of the 3 days from mlm akad nikah ya, then wa the following morning until the big night at the TTI hall were sooo memorable.. we can have it again some other time, hehehe...

    mama flower gals..

  9. huhu...memang best entry ni... tp jgnlah cakap gitu, malu i... i taulah i dah tua...huhu...

  10. Wahhh... Kagum ngan cara abg din story.. But the event really was great. Yg tkg tgk pulok berdebo... Gahaha.. Semoga brbahagia semua!

  11. tahniah din! mak, abah dan acik seronok berjalan ke kemaman dan kuala terengganu 4 hari tu. ijah pun seronok dpt pergi pasar payang dan masjid kristal sambil bawa kerata baru persona nya, hehe.. tahniah juga kpd ketiga2 pengantin baru, besan dan besan2 baru. semoga silaturrahmi kita berterusan. kepada pengantin2 baru, selamat menjalani kehidupan berumahtangga dgn bahagia. kepada para suami, banyakkan bersabar.kepada para isteri, kurangkn merajuk dan jaga makan minum, pakai, tempat tidur suami dgn sebaiknya. sayangi lah mak bapak mertua kalian..

    salam sayang drpd mak abah seremban
