Esok adalah hari penentuan buat ku dan rakan2 tahun akhir Sarjana Ortopedik. Semoga apa yang kami pelajari diberkati Allah, dan semoga esok kami semua mendapat pertolonganNya.
Sebentar tadi aku mendapat panggilan dari Ibu ku. Setiap perbualan dengan ma memang istimewa. Aku tidak pernah puas berbual dengan Ma. Rasanya setiap anak begitu. Aku sedaya upaya akan cuba untuk berbual dengan Ma sekurang-kurangnya selang sehari. Kalau kita boleh telefon ibu kita hari-hari lagi bagus.
Cuma ibu dan bapa sahaja yang tahu kerinduan terhadap anak masing2. Percayalah. Setiap saat mengingati anak - anak buat apa, makan apa, kerja macamana, ada masalah ke...anak2 biasanya tak ingat sangat dengan ibubapa masing2, terutamanya yang dah dewasa dan dah kahwin...mereka akan fikir pasal anak2 sendiri pulak. So, tolong call ibu anda sekerap mungkin, kalau tak dapat hari2 pun, selang sehari. Seorang ayah sedara saya siap membelikan handphone untuk ibunya (Tokma saya) semata-mata supaya mudah untuk bercakap dengannya, dan ayah sedara saya ni menelefon ibunya 2 kali sehari...besarnya ganjaran beliau disisi ALlah!
Tadi aku berborak lebih kurang setengah jam dengan Ma. Ma bercerita tentang pelbagai perkara - Trip ke Penang, next trip ke Bandung, pastu nak ke Beijing...sukanya Ma dapat gi jalan2. Pastu sambung pulak cerita pasal Ma sekarang selalu tengok rancangan 'Tanyalah Ustaz' - macam2 perkara yang Ma belajar mengenai agama, aku terhibur. Dengar suara Ma macam menjadi keperluan, macam 'booster dose' untuk aku meneruskan hidup.
Ma berpesan agar aku bertenang semasa menjawab soalan, sentiasa ada keyakinan kepada diri dan paling penting percaya bahawa Allah akan membantu diri kita. InsyaAllah, akan aku ingat pesan Ma.
Aku bertekad untuk memberikan yang terbaik kali ni, insyaAllah. Semoga Allah merahmati ibu ku, mengampuni segala dosa, memurahkan rezeki dan memanjangkan umur beliau dan memasukkan beliau ke Jannah, akan aku doakan ibu ku dalam setiap doa ku, ameen.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Final Exam hanya sebahagian dari cubaan kehidupan!
Seminggu tak update blog. Terpaksa fokus kepada mengulangkaji pelajaran untuk final exam next week, 1-2 November 2011(Selasa dan Rabu) untuk written paper dan insyaAllah clinical exam pada 14-17 November nanti. InsyaAllah kali ni akan pass. Dah 3 kali aku gagal sebelum ini sejak first attempt pada Mei 2010. Member2 semua dah jadi Orthopaedic surgeon. Seronoknya bila lulus!!
Ini lah yang dikatakan rezeki masing2. Aku selalu dicuba dengan kegagalan dalam peperiksaan sejak di universiti. Kena ambik exam beberapa kali baru pass. Tapi akhirnya akan pass juga, alhamdulilLah. Dan pasti kegagalan ini menjadikan aku lebih tabah dalam menghadapi hari2 mendatang.
Exam minggu depan ni merupakan attempt aku untuk kali ke-4 dalam Conjoint Board of Orthopaedic (CBO) final Part 2 exam. Bila lulus nanti, pada petang 17 November aku akan bergelar Pakar Ortopedik, ameen.
Sesetengah orang begitu mudah sekali pass exam mereka. Sekali ambik dah pass. Senang sangat Allah bagi mereka pass. Walaupun aku tengok mereka tak rajin solat jemaah, tak tutup aurat, bergaul bebas, tak buat amalan sunat (mungkin di belakang aku diaorang buat kut) Allah mudahkan mereka. Sedangkan ada rakan aku yang selalu berjemaah di masjid, buat solat dhuha dan solat sunat yang lain serta baik budi pekertinya, Allah masih tangguhkan kemanisan mengecap kejayaan dalam peperiksaan ini....
Mungkin ini istidraj... Siapa lah kita untuk menilai nikmat dan cubaan ini.
Aku cuma berfikir...cubaan ini hanya sedikit berbanding nikmat yang aku terima. Nikmat hidup, nikmat Islam dan Iman, nikmat pancaindera yang dipinjamkan, nikmat makanan (tadi baru makan satay hehe), minuman, kesihatan, isteri dan anak2, ibubapa dan keluarga, tempat tinggal bla bla bla...tidak terkira Ya Allah...
Jadikan lah aku hamba Mu yang bersyukur Ya Allah!
Usaha, berdoa dan bertawakkal. Aku berdoa agar Allah memberi kejayaan kepadaku kali ini...bukan untuk aku, tapi untuk Ibu aku. Kesian kat Ma, dah lama dia menunggu saat2 kejayaan ini. Aku pernah menangis terkenangkan Ma. Aku ingin sekali melihat wajah gembira Ma...
Semoga Allah kabulkan...ameen, ya rabbal 'alameen.
Seminggu tak update blog. Terpaksa fokus kepada mengulangkaji pelajaran untuk final exam next week, 1-2 November 2011(Selasa dan Rabu) untuk written paper dan insyaAllah clinical exam pada 14-17 November nanti. InsyaAllah kali ni akan pass. Dah 3 kali aku gagal sebelum ini sejak first attempt pada Mei 2010. Member2 semua dah jadi Orthopaedic surgeon. Seronoknya bila lulus!!
Ini lah yang dikatakan rezeki masing2. Aku selalu dicuba dengan kegagalan dalam peperiksaan sejak di universiti. Kena ambik exam beberapa kali baru pass. Tapi akhirnya akan pass juga, alhamdulilLah. Dan pasti kegagalan ini menjadikan aku lebih tabah dalam menghadapi hari2 mendatang.
Exam minggu depan ni merupakan attempt aku untuk kali ke-4 dalam Conjoint Board of Orthopaedic (CBO) final Part 2 exam. Bila lulus nanti, pada petang 17 November aku akan bergelar Pakar Ortopedik, ameen.
Sesetengah orang begitu mudah sekali pass exam mereka. Sekali ambik dah pass. Senang sangat Allah bagi mereka pass. Walaupun aku tengok mereka tak rajin solat jemaah, tak tutup aurat, bergaul bebas, tak buat amalan sunat (mungkin di belakang aku diaorang buat kut) Allah mudahkan mereka. Sedangkan ada rakan aku yang selalu berjemaah di masjid, buat solat dhuha dan solat sunat yang lain serta baik budi pekertinya, Allah masih tangguhkan kemanisan mengecap kejayaan dalam peperiksaan ini....
Mungkin ini istidraj... Siapa lah kita untuk menilai nikmat dan cubaan ini.
Aku cuma berfikir...cubaan ini hanya sedikit berbanding nikmat yang aku terima. Nikmat hidup, nikmat Islam dan Iman, nikmat pancaindera yang dipinjamkan, nikmat makanan (tadi baru makan satay hehe), minuman, kesihatan, isteri dan anak2, ibubapa dan keluarga, tempat tinggal bla bla bla...tidak terkira Ya Allah...
Jadikan lah aku hamba Mu yang bersyukur Ya Allah!
Usaha, berdoa dan bertawakkal. Aku berdoa agar Allah memberi kejayaan kepadaku kali ini...bukan untuk aku, tapi untuk Ibu aku. Kesian kat Ma, dah lama dia menunggu saat2 kejayaan ini. Aku pernah menangis terkenangkan Ma. Aku ingin sekali melihat wajah gembira Ma...
Semoga Allah kabulkan...ameen, ya rabbal 'alameen.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Credit Card Fraud
I wanna share my experience last weekend. My phone rang last Saturday morning, and a pleasant and talkative Malay lady by the name of Farah introduced herself to me. She claimed to be from the delivery unit of an insurance company and she called me to confirm my home address to send me my insurance policy. "This insurance policy is compulsory for a credit card owner in Malaysia, this is the 2nd year automatic renewal policy", so she said.
I was puzzled. I can't recall signing any insurance policy last year. And I've been using my current credit card since 5 years ago...hmmm.
"Which credit card is this policy belongs to?"
"It doesn't matter" She said. "Even if you have 5 credit cards, this insurance will be automatically applied to one of your credit card only". She repeated this statement twice.
I asked her multiple another questions, since I really pissed off since I have to unnecessarily and unwillingly pay for this policy. "Are you a policeman?" She asked. "Why?" I replied. "You asked so many questions" she uttered and then she laugh.
Finally she said: "Sir, I just need your address to send this policy to your home by Poslaju Courier Service, I am not the one who will charge your card, that will be by headquarters".
"Why don't you asked your headquarters then for my address?" I inquired.
"They will not release the information, it's personal". She replied. So weird....I whispered in my heard.
Then, I said, "okay, since it's just for the policy delivery, I will tell you my home address". Then, to my surprise, she started to asked for more full name, IC number, wife name etc. I revealed to her the info...I want to see where this conversation leads to.
As I expected...she finally asked me..."Which credit card do you want to charge this insurance policy on?" (I thought this policy is compulsory and automatically charged to my credit card. And, remember that, she said that she only called me to send the policy at the first place, right?).
She then went on asking for the expiry date of my card and the 16-digit numbers at the front on my credit card. "Shit"..."I knew this is a trap". I just smiled and happily pressed the red button on my phone. "Go to hell you evil lady!!"
She called me twice after that just to be frustrated.
Please take care whenever somebody call you and ask for your credit card detail. It can be in many forms - insurance policy, insurance delivery, tour and travel company, holiday package, cheap items or offers etc. NEVER REVEAL YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRY DATE AND THE 3-DIGIT NUMBER AT THE BACK OF YOUR CARD!!! Or you will be cheated alive.
I wanna share my experience last weekend. My phone rang last Saturday morning, and a pleasant and talkative Malay lady by the name of Farah introduced herself to me. She claimed to be from the delivery unit of an insurance company and she called me to confirm my home address to send me my insurance policy. "This insurance policy is compulsory for a credit card owner in Malaysia, this is the 2nd year automatic renewal policy", so she said.
I was puzzled. I can't recall signing any insurance policy last year. And I've been using my current credit card since 5 years ago...hmmm.
"Which credit card is this policy belongs to?"
"It doesn't matter" She said. "Even if you have 5 credit cards, this insurance will be automatically applied to one of your credit card only". She repeated this statement twice.
I asked her multiple another questions, since I really pissed off since I have to unnecessarily and unwillingly pay for this policy. "Are you a policeman?" She asked. "Why?" I replied. "You asked so many questions" she uttered and then she laugh.
Finally she said: "Sir, I just need your address to send this policy to your home by Poslaju Courier Service, I am not the one who will charge your card, that will be by headquarters".
"Why don't you asked your headquarters then for my address?" I inquired.
"They will not release the information, it's personal". She replied. So weird....I whispered in my heard.
Then, I said, "okay, since it's just for the policy delivery, I will tell you my home address". Then, to my surprise, she started to asked for more full name, IC number, wife name etc. I revealed to her the info...I want to see where this conversation leads to.
As I expected...she finally asked me..."Which credit card do you want to charge this insurance policy on?" (I thought this policy is compulsory and automatically charged to my credit card. And, remember that, she said that she only called me to send the policy at the first place, right?).
She then went on asking for the expiry date of my card and the 16-digit numbers at the front on my credit card. "Shit"..."I knew this is a trap". I just smiled and happily pressed the red button on my phone. "Go to hell you evil lady!!"
She called me twice after that just to be frustrated.
Please take care whenever somebody call you and ask for your credit card detail. It can be in many forms - insurance policy, insurance delivery, tour and travel company, holiday package, cheap items or offers etc. NEVER REVEAL YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRY DATE AND THE 3-DIGIT NUMBER AT THE BACK OF YOUR CARD!!! Or you will be cheated alive.
Clever people learn from others mistakes, average people learn from their own mistakes, dumb people never learn from their mistakes.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Saudara ku fil Islam - Dhiya'ul Islam
Saya mengenali seorang saudara seIslam bernama Dhiya'ul Islam. Kami hanya berkenalan di alam maya, di Facebook, entah bila dan siapa-yg-add-siapa pun saya tak pasti. Namun yang pasti, status2 yang beliau tulis amat menusuk qalbu, menyedarkan diri dan merapatkan diri agar kembali ke jalan yang diredhai. Aku tidak mengenali beliau, berapa umurnya, bagaimana rupanya, mcmana suaranya, tapi hati ini merasa dekat dengan beliau, merasa kasih kepada beliau...SubhanaAllah
Beliau memberi kebenaran kepada saya untuk berkongsi status2 dan post2 beliau yang tertentu agar menjadi renungan bersama. Beliau hanya inginkan keredhaan Allah swt. Saya mmg amat kagum, masyaAllah. Semoga Allah swt memberi beliau ganjaran di dunia dan akhirat, semoga Allah memberi rahmah Nya kepada kita semua, menunjukkan jalan yang lurus dan memasukkan kita semua ke dalam Jannah, ameen.
Semoga kita sama2 dapat mengambil pengajaran.
Saya mengenali seorang saudara seIslam bernama Dhiya'ul Islam. Kami hanya berkenalan di alam maya, di Facebook, entah bila dan siapa-yg-add-siapa pun saya tak pasti. Namun yang pasti, status2 yang beliau tulis amat menusuk qalbu, menyedarkan diri dan merapatkan diri agar kembali ke jalan yang diredhai. Aku tidak mengenali beliau, berapa umurnya, bagaimana rupanya, mcmana suaranya, tapi hati ini merasa dekat dengan beliau, merasa kasih kepada beliau...SubhanaAllah
Beliau memberi kebenaran kepada saya untuk berkongsi status2 dan post2 beliau yang tertentu agar menjadi renungan bersama. Beliau hanya inginkan keredhaan Allah swt. Saya mmg amat kagum, masyaAllah. Semoga Allah swt memberi beliau ganjaran di dunia dan akhirat, semoga Allah memberi rahmah Nya kepada kita semua, menunjukkan jalan yang lurus dan memasukkan kita semua ke dalam Jannah, ameen.
Semoga kita sama2 dapat mengambil pengajaran.
Perkongsian 1 - 18/10/2011
1. Semalam - Sudah menjadi sejarah
2. Hari Ini - Apa yang sedang kita lakukan
3. Esok - Hari yang belum pasti
"...Hisablah hari pertama semoga hari yang kedua kita lebih baik dari
hari yang pertama. Jangan mengharap hari yang ketiga kerana mungkin ajal
kita pada hari yang kedua..."
1. Nafas Naik
2. Nafas Turun
"...Hargailah Nafas yang naik kerana udara yang disedut adalah
pemberian Allah secara percuma dan carilah keredhaanNya dalam
menggunakannya. Bertaubatlah dalam Nafas yang kedua kerana mungkin itu
nafas yang terakhir keluar dari tubuh bersama Nyawa dan Roh untuk
meninggalkan dunia yang fana ini..."
1. Hidup dalam keredhaan Allah
2. Hidup dalam kemurkaan Allah
"...Terpulang pada kita untuk mencari keredhaan atau kemurkaan Allah
Ta'ala, kerana kita sudah dibekalkan dengan iman didalam hati, islam
pada jiwa dan akal sebagai manusia yang sempurna. Tiada alasan untuk
menuju kemurkaanNya melainkan dibalasi dengan seksa api neraka..."
1. Kekal didalam neraka
2. Kekal didalam syurga
"....Ingatlah kecelakaan neraka itu amat mengerikan dan kita hanya
diyakinkan oleh keyakinan kita kepada rukun IMAN. Rukun Iman itu pula
ada 6 dan hilang salah satu darinya maka hilanglah ia keseluruhan..
Kelazatan dan kesejahteraan syurga itu maha HEBAT. Tidak terduga oleh
fikiran kita dan untuk mendapatkannya terjemahkan rukun ISLAM yang 5 itu
dan puncaknya adalah SYAHADAH. Namun bukan semudah dengan ucapan, namun
ia perlu dibuktikan disepanjang kehidupan dalam mencari bekalan untuk
memiliki syurga Tuhan...."
Oleh itu, tidakkah kita semestinya
bersyukur atas segala nikmat yang Allah kurniakan kepada kita....
Sekurang-kurangnya Allah telah beri udara secara percuma untuk kita
berzikir mengingati Allah setiap detik dan ketika, hinggalah kita
kembali kepada Allah dalam keadaan jiwa yang tenang... lalu masuk
kedalam syurga dalam keadaan kita redha dan Allah meredhai. Wallahu'alam
My Toyota Camry Upgrade - 2nd phase
Last Sunday, I have upgraded my 2000cc, 1994 Toyota Camry. I bought it in 2000 during my study in New Zealand for NZD12 000 (About RM20 K at that time). It's an old car, but still in good condition,
Early this year, we painted it gold. The audio system was an old, original Toyota cassette player. The FM frequency can hardly get 2 channels (even after I installed the booster in). The AM frequency - no need to mention - hopeless.
After 15 years of its life, 3 out of 4 speakers were mute. Only the front left speaker produces sounds...or more accurately, some noise :) This time, I've changed its sound system.
No wonder the speakers can't produce any sound. So, here what I did last Sunday.
Orite, I'm sure my wife will be happy with these new toys installed in her car. If she is happy, I am happy. The happier she is, the less noise she produces *hehehe* Just kidding dear.
Hmmm...I'm satisfied, so now. Next phase - Tint the screen, engine tuning, tyre change, front light beam...and, maybe a facelift as well.
All I need is CASH (or, maybe credit card may serves its purpose hehe).
Last Sunday, I have upgraded my 2000cc, 1994 Toyota Camry. I bought it in 2000 during my study in New Zealand for NZD12 000 (About RM20 K at that time). It's an old car, but still in good condition,
Early this year, we painted it gold. The audio system was an old, original Toyota cassette player. The FM frequency can hardly get 2 channels (even after I installed the booster in). The AM frequency - no need to mention - hopeless.
After 15 years of its life, 3 out of 4 speakers were mute. Only the front left speaker produces sounds...or more accurately, some noise :) This time, I've changed its sound system.
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Wear and Tear - Rear Speakers |
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Broken Front Speaker |
No wonder the speakers can't produce any sound. So, here what I did last Sunday.
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New set of Pioneer 16cm speakers |
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New front speaker |
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Rear Speakers Cover |
Orite, I'm sure my wife will be happy with these new toys installed in her car. If she is happy, I am happy. The happier she is, the less noise she produces *hehehe* Just kidding dear.
Hmmm...I'm satisfied, so now. Next phase - Tint the screen, engine tuning, tyre change, front light beam...and, maybe a facelift as well.
All I need is CASH (or, maybe credit card may serves its purpose hehe).
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I just came back from the hospital's surau after performing Subuh prayer in congregation. Yesterday was my last oncall for this month. Hopefully it was my last oncall as a medical officer/resident/registrar, ameen. I'll be sitting my final exam in 17 days time. Hmmm...
I would like to congratulate my housemans - Dr. Haneem, Dr. Shalini and Dr. Uzir who passed all their assessments with flying colours and successfully completed orthopaedic housemanship rotation training officially yesterday. Well done guys!!
For Dr. Haneem, yesterday was her last day as a houseman and today, she will be coming to work as a medical officer. Only a day difference. Looking forward to work with you. You're one of my most trustworthy, reliable, hardworking and accountable housemans. May her dedication and work attitudes serve to be an examples to her juniors...the new breed of housemans...So many complaints about them nowadays!!
I have special compartment in my heart for houseman. I want them to be excellent, competent and accountable. Not only for themselves, but also for our country and all Malaysians. Because I know, I day, they are the one will be treating me (and all of us). Like Dato' Zamyn always be 'unlike any other'.
I just came back from the hospital's surau after performing Subuh prayer in congregation. Yesterday was my last oncall for this month. Hopefully it was my last oncall as a medical officer/resident/registrar, ameen. I'll be sitting my final exam in 17 days time. Hmmm...
I would like to congratulate my housemans - Dr. Haneem, Dr. Shalini and Dr. Uzir who passed all their assessments with flying colours and successfully completed orthopaedic housemanship rotation training officially yesterday. Well done guys!!
For Dr. Haneem, yesterday was her last day as a houseman and today, she will be coming to work as a medical officer. Only a day difference. Looking forward to work with you. You're one of my most trustworthy, reliable, hardworking and accountable housemans. May her dedication and work attitudes serve to be an examples to her juniors...the new breed of housemans...So many complaints about them nowadays!!
I have special compartment in my heart for houseman. I want them to be excellent, competent and accountable. Not only for themselves, but also for our country and all Malaysians. Because I know, I day, they are the one will be treating me (and all of us). Like Dato' Zamyn always be 'unlike any other'.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Chubby and Cute versus Fat and Obese
I saw a couple holding their 5-month old baby in a ward a few days ago. The baby girl was so cute and chubby. "Comel nyerr!!!" My houseman said while tickling the baby girl. The baby giggled.
But, when it comes to taking blood or inserting a branula, then the problem starts. It will be so difficult to insert take the blood or insert a line if you can't visualize the vein, let alone to palpate it. If the doctors have to poke so many times then the parents will complain. "'s not easy to be a houseman, is it?" Luckily, I've passed my Paediatric housemanship training long time ago hehe.
Previously, during my daily round in the Orthopaedic female ward 5D, there was a young, 18-year-old lady (?girl) with a fractured right femur. Her broken bone was fixed with an interlocking nail the day before by 2 of my respected surgeons - Mr. Hazrin and Mr. Fairudz. The story came to me on the night following the surgery. They took nearly 6 hours to fix her. "WoooW!" Usually the procedure will only take 2 hours and maximum 3 hours for complicated cases.
However, in this case, there is an exception. Her magnificent size...
She was an obese young lady. Her arm is as big as a matured man's thigh. Her thigh...god, you just imagine, as big as a baby elephant's leg, I would say. They had so much difficulty even to find the entry point for the nail. After the skin incision, her fat was soooo thick, you can virtually insert your whole hand inside the thigh to reach for the bone....her fat was all over the place, under the skin, under the fascia and in between the muscles...(maybe I exaggerate a bit). Shooohhh! Teribble situation!
It is not my intention to annoy those who are obese. If you're comfortable with your current body habitus, then it's your call and I respect that. Be proud of yourself. I just merely telling you the difficulty that the health professionals are facing in dealing with obese people. And I would like to educate the population in terms of the possible complications as well.
All of us know that obesity is associated with atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease. I don't think I need to explain regarding the pathophysiology here...
So, please take care of yourself....don't be overweight. Overweight people will tend to get more severe injury to their bone if they're involve in an accident. This is because of higher force transmission during the collision or impact. Furthermore, it will be more challenging to treat you or your relative when you're admitted to hospital especially in orthopaedic're more prone to get pressure sore or ulcer, more prone to get breathing complications such as Fat Embolism Syndrome if your bone is fractured and last but not least, more difficult to fix the fractured bone itself.
"Aku nak slim, aku nak kurus" Tapi setiap kali makan macam tak jumpa makanan seminggu. Remember, our Prophet Muhammad PBUH only eats when he is hungry and stops before he is full. Diet is not enough though. You need to burn the calorie. Do physical activities at least 30 minutes a session, 3 to 4 times a week.
Please take care of your health, burn those fat!!!
PS Please, jangan ada yang terasa hati yer kawan2...sekadar berkongsi pengalaman. Take it positively.
I saw a couple holding their 5-month old baby in a ward a few days ago. The baby girl was so cute and chubby. "Comel nyerr!!!" My houseman said while tickling the baby girl. The baby giggled.
But, when it comes to taking blood or inserting a branula, then the problem starts. It will be so difficult to insert take the blood or insert a line if you can't visualize the vein, let alone to palpate it. If the doctors have to poke so many times then the parents will complain. "'s not easy to be a houseman, is it?" Luckily, I've passed my Paediatric housemanship training long time ago hehe.
Previously, during my daily round in the Orthopaedic female ward 5D, there was a young, 18-year-old lady (?girl) with a fractured right femur. Her broken bone was fixed with an interlocking nail the day before by 2 of my respected surgeons - Mr. Hazrin and Mr. Fairudz. The story came to me on the night following the surgery. They took nearly 6 hours to fix her. "WoooW!" Usually the procedure will only take 2 hours and maximum 3 hours for complicated cases.
However, in this case, there is an exception. Her magnificent size...
She was an obese young lady. Her arm is as big as a matured man's thigh. Her thigh...god, you just imagine, as big as a baby elephant's leg, I would say. They had so much difficulty even to find the entry point for the nail. After the skin incision, her fat was soooo thick, you can virtually insert your whole hand inside the thigh to reach for the bone....her fat was all over the place, under the skin, under the fascia and in between the muscles...(maybe I exaggerate a bit). Shooohhh! Teribble situation!
It is not my intention to annoy those who are obese. If you're comfortable with your current body habitus, then it's your call and I respect that. Be proud of yourself. I just merely telling you the difficulty that the health professionals are facing in dealing with obese people. And I would like to educate the population in terms of the possible complications as well.
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Best nyer...chicken chop!! |
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Gambar hiasan...perbezaan yang ketara antara 2 sahabat |
All of us know that obesity is associated with atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease. I don't think I need to explain regarding the pathophysiology here...
So, please take care of yourself....don't be overweight. Overweight people will tend to get more severe injury to their bone if they're involve in an accident. This is because of higher force transmission during the collision or impact. Furthermore, it will be more challenging to treat you or your relative when you're admitted to hospital especially in orthopaedic're more prone to get pressure sore or ulcer, more prone to get breathing complications such as Fat Embolism Syndrome if your bone is fractured and last but not least, more difficult to fix the fractured bone itself.
"Aku nak slim, aku nak kurus" Tapi setiap kali makan macam tak jumpa makanan seminggu. Remember, our Prophet Muhammad PBUH only eats when he is hungry and stops before he is full. Diet is not enough though. You need to burn the calorie. Do physical activities at least 30 minutes a session, 3 to 4 times a week.
Please take care of your health, burn those fat!!!
PS Please, jangan ada yang terasa hati yer kawan2...sekadar berkongsi pengalaman. Take it positively.
Friday, October 7, 2011
2012 Budget
Kita semua telah mendengar pembentangan bajet 2012 oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, yang juga menteri kewangan petang tadi.
Perkara2 yang berkenaan dengan kakitangan awam, secara kesimpulannya:
Secara spesifik untuk sektor kesihatan pula:
Kalau nak baca bajet 2012 yang lengkap boleh baca disini
Saya memang amat bersyukur dengan bajet kali ini, alhamdulilLah. Cuma saya rasa kecewa dengan sesetengah rakyat Malaysia yang tak tahu bersyukur. Tak pernah nak berterima kasih dengan apa yang diberi.
Memang lumrah manusia, tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang ada dan apa yang diberi. Sekiranya diberi satu sungai yang mengalir emas sekali pun, manusia akan berkata "kalau lah aku ada 2 sungai emas ni..."
Allah berfirman yang mafhumnya, "kalau kamu bersyukur, maka akan Ku tambahkan lagi, tetapi sekiranya kamu kufur (tidak bersyukur), sesungguhnya azab Ku amat lah pedih"
Agaknya, sebab itu lah sekarang ni ramai orang yang tak pernah cukup dengan apa yang ada. Hidup susah, duit tak pernah cukup, fikiran serabut, hati tak tenang....mereka tidak bersyukur.
Tak payah la nak berdengki dengan orang lain, dengki dengan golongan guru yang dapat kenaikan gaji, dengan pesara2, tak bersyukur dengan subsidi yang diberi, dengan segala kemudahan yang disediakan, keamanan negara dan lain2.
Cuba lah berlapang dada.... bersyukur dan berterima kasih. Rasanya, dengan bersikap begitu hidup kita lebih tenang, bahagia, murah rezeki dan dirahmatiNya, insyaAllah.
This is what I think.
Kita semua telah mendengar pembentangan bajet 2012 oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, yang juga menteri kewangan petang tadi.
Perkara2 yang berkenaan dengan kakitangan awam, secara kesimpulannya:
- Bonus separuh gaji atau minimum RM500 pada bulan disember 2011
- Kenaikan gaji tahunan sebanyak RM80-RM320 (mengikut gred gaji)
- Lanjutan umur persaraan ke 60 tahun (daripada 58 tahun sekarang)
- Wujud lebih banyak tangga gaji, oleh itu gaji maksimum yang lebih tinggi
- Menambahbaik struktur gaji penjawat awam dengan kenaikan antara 7-13 %
Secara spesifik untuk sektor kesihatan pula:
- Elaun flexi duty RM600 (untuk houseman sahaja)
- Kenaikan oncall claim sebanyak RM30-RM80 untuk pegawai perubatan
- Naiktaraf Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan Hospital Putrajaya
- Pembinaan Hospital Wanita dan Kanak2
- Penambahan 50 Klinik 1Malaysia, dan 81 Klinik Kesihatan
Kalau nak baca bajet 2012 yang lengkap boleh baca disini
Saya memang amat bersyukur dengan bajet kali ini, alhamdulilLah. Cuma saya rasa kecewa dengan sesetengah rakyat Malaysia yang tak tahu bersyukur. Tak pernah nak berterima kasih dengan apa yang diberi.
Memang lumrah manusia, tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang ada dan apa yang diberi. Sekiranya diberi satu sungai yang mengalir emas sekali pun, manusia akan berkata "kalau lah aku ada 2 sungai emas ni..."
Allah berfirman yang mafhumnya, "kalau kamu bersyukur, maka akan Ku tambahkan lagi, tetapi sekiranya kamu kufur (tidak bersyukur), sesungguhnya azab Ku amat lah pedih"
Agaknya, sebab itu lah sekarang ni ramai orang yang tak pernah cukup dengan apa yang ada. Hidup susah, duit tak pernah cukup, fikiran serabut, hati tak tenang....mereka tidak bersyukur.
Tak payah la nak berdengki dengan orang lain, dengki dengan golongan guru yang dapat kenaikan gaji, dengan pesara2, tak bersyukur dengan subsidi yang diberi, dengan segala kemudahan yang disediakan, keamanan negara dan lain2.
Cuba lah berlapang dada.... bersyukur dan berterima kasih. Rasanya, dengan bersikap begitu hidup kita lebih tenang, bahagia, murah rezeki dan dirahmatiNya, insyaAllah.
This is what I think.
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