Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Forbidden Land of Medina!


AlhamdulilLah, I've safely arrived in Malaysia on Tuesday after having to endure a six-hour-flight delay. How would l described the journey? It was personally spiritually enlightening, there were many lessons that I've learnt from it and I've became more intimate with my parents, especially to my father. The whether in Madinah was mind boggling, reaching up to 52 degree C during daytime and 40 degree at nite. It was a little warmer in Makkah.

I would like to thank the State of Terengganu for providing specially chartered flight in association with the Malaysian Airline System (MAS) that enable the people of Terengganu to go for umrah with a more affordable budget. We left Terengganu International Airport at 7pm on 29/8/2011. Thanks to my dad for the business class ticket! "Terima kasih Aboh!"

First time fly in a business class cabin...seronok!

Arrival in Madinah
We landed in Madinah at 10pm local time (3am Malaysia Time) after 8 hours of light. "Mengantuknyer" . Jet lag. The first trial...bas lambat datang...we waited for one hour before our buses fetched us. "Sabar...sabar... cubaan ni..."

First day: Ziarah ke Perkuburan Baqi' dan Makam RasululLah, Saidina Abu Bakar dan Umar Al-Khattab

Berpusu-pusu nak masuk ke Raudhah: salah satu dari taman2 syurga!

AlhamdulilLah, aku berjaya masuk ke dalam Raudhah, dan menunaikan solat sunat, solat hajat dan solat dhuha, disusuli dengan doa.

I paid a visit to RasululLah saw, Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Umar Khattab. Too many people, can't even recite the du'a in front of the tomb. The security force officers were very strict in keeping the order. *sigh*

Permadangan di siang hari...laksana kelopak daun yang meneduhi

Air Zam flow...

Starbuck pun ada?? kat belakang masjid jer ni!

Terjumpa Khalid, sahabat SHAMS yang juga suami kepada sepupu ku, Nisa

Torres pun datang solat!

Permandangan malam...macam dalam cerita StarWars di Jedi City

Hotel Mubarak Medina: Kami menginap selama 3 malam di sini

That's all for first day in the forbidden land of Medina. Bye and Wassalam.


  1. wah...seronoknya....

  2. Subhanalllah....bestnya... Nok gi gok..
    Dr mala.

  3. bestnye abg din. ya pon hopefully allah beri rezeki gi lagi (gi dgn suami plok hehehe)

  4. Setiap kali trpandang gambar bumi Madinah, hati rasa sayu, digamit rindu utk bertamu lagi di bumi Rasulullah...semoga di akhirat kelak kita termasuk dlm umat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan mndapat syafaat...amin..

  5. Bertuahnya sesiapa yg dpt menjejakkan
    kaki sekaligus menunaikan ibadat di
    tanah mulia.

    Moga satu hari nanti, daku juga
    dpt ke sana dgn izinNYA.

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